Pakomane: Watashi, Kyou Kara Meimon Yakyuu-bu no Seishori Gakari ni Narimasu... The Animation
Posted in Anime

Pakomane: Watashi, Kyou Kara Meimon Yakyuu-bu no Seishori Gakari ni Narimasu… The Animation

Hakohou High is a prestigious local school whose baseball team has made it to the National Championship in previous years. Saki is a first year student whose interest in baseball…

Gakuen Shimai EP2
Posted in Anime

Gakuen Shimai EP2

Sousuke is an average student, except for his hobby of taking candid pictures. His favourite model is Nanase Arisa, one of the school’s idols. This is set to change when…

Gakuen Shimai EP1
Posted in Anime

Gakuen Shimai EP1

Sousuke is an average student, except for his hobby of taking candid pictures. His favourite model is Nanase Arisa, one of the school’s idols. This is set to change when…